AR RC car drive is game based on augmented reality. Scan area with your camera to place car on it with screen tap, place cones, jump ramps and have unlimited fun!
Always ask a grown-up before using the AR RC car drive app. Watch out out for other people when using AR RC car drive app and be aware of your surroundings.
AR RC汽车驾驶是基于增强现实的游戏。使用相机扫描区域,以便通过屏幕水龙头,放置圆锥体,跳跃坡道将汽车放在上面,并享受无限乐趣!
在使用AR RC汽车驾驶应用程序之前,请始终询问成年人。使用AR RC汽车驾驶应用程序时要当心其他人,并注意周围的环境。